Become a Member of The Quantum Record

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash


Do you love exploring the frontiers of philosophy, science, technology, and time?  Are you seeking a deeper understanding of powerful new technologies, and do you want to add your voice to a vitally important discussion about our collective technological future?

Do you want to join a community of curious minds who share your passion for knowledge and imagination?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider supporting the non-profit publication that showcases the good work and dedication of scientists, philosophers, and thinkers around the globe and empowers you with knowledge to shape the best possible future we can imagine together.

We invite you to become a member of The Quantum Record!

Image by Alexas Fotos of Pixabay

As a member making a monthly contribution of $1 (Canadian, or equivalent) or more if you choose, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • .Enabling the continued free monthly publication of The Quantum Record: The Quantum Record, and The Quantum Feedback Loop podcast, have always been and will always be freely available to the public. A price can’t be placed on knowledge, and The Quantum Record will never align itself with commercial interests by selling advertising or sponsorships.
  • Contributing articles for publication in The Quantum Record: Members will be able to share their news and views with the public by submitting articles for publication in an exclusive section of The Quantum Record reserved for member contributions, subject to our editorial policies that prohibit partisan opinions and commercial promotion.
  • Participating in members-only discussions and groups: Meet the publisher, editor, volunteers, and fellow members in exclusive monthly discussions on selected topics featured in The Quantum Record and The Quantum Feedback Loop podcast. Members will be able to join in discussion groups on Patreon and in WhatsApp group chats.
  • Making a presentation: If you’re involved in an area of philosophy, science, or technology that you would like to share with the public, we would be happy to discuss potential coverage in The Quantum Record, the Quantum Feedback Loop podcast, our YouTube channel, our monthly newsletters, and/or a members-only presentation.
  • Participating in surveys and polls: Members will have a voice in shaping the direction and content of The Quantum Record and the Quantum Feedback Loop podcast through members-only surveys and polls.
  • Receiving recognition and appreciation: You will be acknowledged for your support and sustaining The Quantum Record’s mission on The Quantum Record’s website, unless you wish to remain anonymous.
  • Being informed and voting: Members contributing a minimum of $15 (Canadian or equivalent) for six or more consecutive months will automatically become members of Quantum Publications Inc., the non-profit Canadian corporation that publishes The Quantum Record and the Quantum Feedback Loop podcast. As members of Quantum Publications Inc., you will receive the corporation’s annual financial statements, and will be entitled to participate in and vote at meetings of the corporation’s members.


There’s no obligation on your part. Member data will never be sold, and will never be shared with third parties without your consent.

To become a member, all you need to do is to enroll with a minimal amount of information on the Patreon platform, where you will receive exclusive members-only access. There is no obligation to continue monthly contributions, and you can cancel at any time. Your membership will cease one month after your last contribution, or at any other time if you so request in writing.