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  • Bloomberg OpenAI headline

    What Comes Next, After Profit-Driven OpenAI Cracks the Intelligence Code?

    With the release of GPT-4o, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced that the company is ceding applications development for its powerful technology to third parties which he expects will “create all sorts of amazing things that we all benefit from.” The first part of OpenAI’s mission statement is to create AGI “generally smarter than humans,” and we ask how the company intends to fulfill the other part of its mission, that AGI “benefits all of humanity,” when third parties control applications.

  • OpenAI's mission statement

    In Praise of Human Intelligence For All Time

    The race by OpenAI, its partner Microsoft, and others to create and commercialize artificial general intelligence – AGI – begs the question what intelligence is to begin with. Is the intelligence code something that software engineers can crack, or would now be the time for some applied philosophy? The first step to understanding the intelligence in our heads is to stop applying the word to machines; after all, the term “AI” was coined in 1956 as a marketing ploy.

  • Celebrating Human Creativity Means Guarding Against Stereotyping by AI

    The term “model collapse” has been used to describe the loss of creativity in machine learning trained on its own outputs. Several new studies provide potent examples of the risks of model collapse, and highlight the importance of ensuring the traceability and human-sourcing of data to prevent stereotyping by generative AI.

  • Tempered Gratitude for Sam Altman’s AGI Quest: It’s a Question of Trust

    By pledging the value of AGI to the general good, OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman has created a trust with 7.8 billion beneficiaries. But for what purpose is AGI being pursued, and how will the trustee overcome profit incentives and discharge fiduciary responsibility for the incredible value and risk of AGI?

  • Story in The Guardian

    For Heaven’s Sake, We Must Protect the Children

    The future of the world’s children and all subsequent generations is in our hands. Technology has driven an increase in child-on-child sexual abuse to the majority of the cases in the UK – is this the legacy we want to leave for those who will be carrying our hopes and dreams into the future?

  • Albert Einstein

    AI and Critical Thinking: A Difficult Mix We Need to Get Right

    AI’s offer to relieve us of the burden of thinking is tempting, but once again a lawyer has demonstrated the risk of relying on a technology without applying critical thinking to correct its errors. When generative AI and other technologies allow the viral spread of falsehoods, we need to protect ourselves from “botshit,” and teach children to think critically.

The Quantum Record is a non-profit journal of philosophy, science, technology, and time. The potential of the future is in the human mind and heart, and in the common ground that we all share on the road to tomorrow. Promoting reflection, discussion, and imagination, The Quantum Record highlights the good work of good people and aims to join many perspectives in shaping the best possible time to come. We would love to stay in touch with you, and add your voice to the dialogue.

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