The Gold For The Gold-Standard: the State of Science Funding Worldwide
“Gold standard” research demands more than just brilliant minds – it requires sustained investment. We delve into the critical issue of ensuring globally equitable and sustainable funding for scientific research, development, and education. We explore disparities between nations, and the shifting landscape of R&D funding, highlighting the private sector’s growing influence and its potential long-term implications for research priorities. The unanswered question is, how can funding best support scientific progress for the benefit of all humanity?

Scientists Call for Halt to Creation of Mirror Bacteria, Warning of Global Risk to Life
Technology has sped progress toward creating exact copies of cells, called “mirror” life. Although mirror cells might help, for example, in the binding of medicines to target cells, many scientists have joined in a public warning about mirror life’s extreme risks to humans and all other living organisms. They call for research to halt immediately, and offer for further investigation some potential countermeasures to stop a chain reaction through entire ecological systems.

Quantum Biology Yields Evidence of Superradiance and its Potential for Quantum Information Processing
Quantum biology is an emerging area of research that’s uncovering important features of the cellular signalling networks in living organisms. In networks of tryptophan, a protein-building amino acid, scientists have discovered a process called superradiance that amplifies and efficiently transmits information to and from cells. With implications for quantum information processing, treating Alzheimer’s and dementia, and uncovering more about the microtubules in our brains, quantum biology promises to yield some important clues about cognition in natural neural networks.

Robotics and Prosthetics Technologies Combine to Produce Astonishingly Natural Movement
Two branches of technological research, robotics and prosthetics, are combining forces to develop devices that move far more naturally. People living with impaired bodily functions have much reason to hope for a future when the limitations they now face will be a thing of the past. From an implantable sensor that sits on a muscle, to artificial muscles powered by water pressure, join us in exploring the frontiers of the emerging technology of movement.
Editorial Perspectives

Protecting Sensitive Financial Information From Data Brokers is a Crucial Government Responsibility
The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is at risk of being eliminated, along with its proposals to bring data brokers under the same rules that govern credit bureaus. Relaxing financial regulations exposes consumers to risks from the buying and selling of their sensitive financial data, including fraud and blackmail by bad actors. To safeguard consumers and prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial collapse, government's role in financial regulation is crucial.

A Five-Year-Old’s Challenge to Free-Speech Absolutism
By accepting no limits to what they say, free-speech absolutists who broadcast their views with the power and global reach of technology fail to consider the effects of their words on children. Without life experience, kids are defenceless against lies and vulgarities spread far and wide by powerful or popular people. Every adult's responsibility is to protect the children, and it's time that children be brought into the free speech debate.

Trust is Fragile: Google’s Antitrust Loss and the Global Windows Failure in July are Warnings to AI Investors About the Future Value of Trust
The recent antitrust case lost by Google and another antitrust action now being heard, together with the global failure of Microsoft Windows from faulty code in third-party software highlight our reliance on AI. They also underscore the extent that AI's future value, currently trading for trillions of dollars daily, depends on the trust of its human users.
In Focus

The Mystery of Human DNA: Science Uncovers Intriguing New Clues to Our Evolutionary History
DNA is the operating code for the body’s trillions of cells, and with advanced technology scientists are discovering a lot more about the human operating code’s history. We now know we’re a mix of DNA from the Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other earlier species. It’s upending long-held theories of humanity’s unique evolution, and revealing more about the living universe. Meet the 50,000-year-old Neanderthal named ‘Thorin’ and Lucy, the 3.2-million-year-old hominin, as we go back in time to learn about ourselves.

Time, the Sun, and Life: Even Bacteria Know When Earth Makes a Seasonal Change
It seems that understanding Earth’s four seasons, which are caused by the lengthening or shortening of a region’s daily exposure to the Sun, is fundamental to all life – even tiny bacteria. Why would a cyanobacterium, consisting of only one cell with a very short life in a lab, care about what seems to us a meaninglessly small amount of time? Surprisingly, the cell is accumulating information on time, which it passes on to its next generation.

Is There a Looming Digital Divide With Quantum Technology?
What would happen if only a handful of companies and governments controlled access to the power of quantum computers, demonstrated this month by Google’s breakthrough quantum chip? Our continuing series on quantum ethics examines the race to develop the technology, its cost and complexity that exclude most of the world, and the growing movement for responsible quantum research and innovation.
Podcasts and Webcasts
Keeping Humans in the Loop: a Discussion with Saima Fancy
Election Monitoring in the Technological Era, with Dr. Ian Batista
Dr. Adio Dinika on The Human Data Workers Who Make AI Possible
The Quantum Record is a non-profit journal of philosophy, science, technology, and time.
The potential of the future is in the human mind and heart, and in the common ground that we all share on the road to tomorrow. Promoting reflection, discussion, and imagination, The Quantum Record highlights the good work of good people and aims to join many perspectives in shaping the best possible time to come.
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Latest Quantum Computing

Quantum Biology Yields Evidence of Superradiance and its Potential for Quantum Information Processing
Quantum biology is an emerging area of research that’s uncovering important features of the cellular signalling networks in living organisms. In networks of tryptophan, a protein-building amino acid, scientists have discovered a process called superradiance that amplifies and efficiently transmits information to and from cells. With implications for quantum information processing, treating Alzheimer’s and dementia, and uncovering more about the microtubules in our brains, quantum biology promises to yield some important clues about cognition in natural neural networks.

Giant Steps Have Been Taken Toward Our Quantum Computing Future
With its latest chip named Willow, Google’s quantum computer performed in five minutes a calculation that would require 10 septillion years on a supercomputer. The company’s breakthrough in maintaining coherent quantum circuits, together with recent milestone achievements by Quantinuum in logical qubits and quantum teleportation, signal the rapid approach of our full-scale quantum computing future.

Major Advances in Quantum Memory Make Quantum Networks Increasingly Probable. What Comes Next?
Major advances are being made in creating a quantum memory capable of storing the massive volumes of data that a fully-functioning quantum computer will produce. It will remove a major barrier to the networking of quantum computers, the next step in multiplying the power of the machines. How soon can the infrastructure be developed, and under what rules will the network operate?
Featured Science News

The Big Ring: Is the Newly Found Cosmic Megastructure the End for the Cosmological Principle?
The discovery of a colossal ring-shaped structure in space, known as the Big Ring, challenges the cosmological principle, a foundational concept in astrophysics. This finding reinforces questions about the completeness of current cosmological models and hints at the need for a potential overhaul of our understanding of the evolution of the universe.
Latest Philosophy of Technology

Is There a Looming Digital Divide With Quantum Technology?
What would happen if only a handful of companies and governments controlled access to the power of quantum computers, demonstrated this month by Google’s breakthrough quantum chip? Our continuing series on quantum ethics examines the race to develop the technology, its cost and complexity that exclude most of the world, and the growing movement for responsible quantum research and innovation.

Growing Up Online: Evolving Protections for Children in the Digital World
Concerns about children’s digital media use are growing globally, with research highlighting risks that include social media dependency, gaming addiction, online harassment, and data privacy issues. We explore findings from global studies, expert recommendations, and strategies from organizations like WHO, OECD, and UNICEF, aimed at creating safer, empowering digital environments for children.

Legal Perils and Protections for Online Consumers are Rapidly Evolving
Consumers don’t expect that clicking “Agree” to an online agreement with a food delivery service or cable network could result in the loss of some fundamental legal rights, and yet that’s what’s happening. We explore the often bewildering nature of lengthy user agreements that few can read or understand, and what’s being done (or not done) to protect online customers.
Latest Technology Over Time

The Fascinating History of the Computer, from ENIAC, Vacuum Tubes and Transistors, to Microchips
We trace computing history from ENIAC, the first computer in 1947, from vacuum tubes to transistors, to the development of microchips that put far greater computing power in our our phones than the giant ENIAC had. With the world at the brink of a quantum computing revolution, what lessons can we draw from our computing history to shape the best possible future with our next technological leap ?

Ancient Roman Concrete: A Technology Ahead of Its Time
The Colosseum and Pantheon stand witness to the knowledge and skill behind ancient Roman concrete-making technology. We look at the history of concrete from then to now, and take you into the Pantheon to explore the marvels that ancient Romans accomplished with concrete.

The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Dodecahedrons
What was the purpose of these curious dodecahedrons, discovered in the northern parts of the ancient Roman Empire? Why does no record exist to explain their use and manufacture? We review the intriguing possibilities, but more detective work is needed to uncover the truth of this ancient technology.
Latest Science News

The Gold For The Gold-Standard: the State of Science Funding Worldwide
“Gold standard” research demands more than just brilliant minds – it requires sustained investment. We delve into the critical issue of ensuring globally equitable and sustainable funding for scientific research, development, and education. We explore disparities between nations, and the shifting landscape of R&D funding, highlighting the private sector’s growing influence and its potential long-term implications for research priorities. The unanswered question is, how can funding best support scientific progress for the benefit of all humanity?

Scientists Call for Halt to Creation of Mirror Bacteria, Warning of Global Risk to Life
Technology has sped progress toward creating exact copies of cells, called “mirror” life. Although mirror cells might help, for example, in the binding of medicines to target cells, many scientists have joined in a public warning about mirror life’s extreme risks to humans and all other living organisms. They call for research to halt immediately, and offer for further investigation some potential countermeasures to stop a chain reaction through entire ecological systems.

Robotics and Prosthetics Technologies Combine to Produce Astonishingly Natural Movement
Two branches of technological research, robotics and prosthetics, are combining forces to develop devices that move far more naturally. People living with impaired bodily functions have much reason to hope for a future when the limitations they now face will be a thing of the past. From an implantable sensor that sits on a muscle, to artificial muscles powered by water pressure, join us in exploring the frontiers of the emerging technology of movement.