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  • US Constitution preamble

    An Urgent Appeal for Separation of Tech and State

    For the same principles and benefits that separation of church and state brought to democracies, the power of giant tech companies and their leaders must be kept separate from government. The power of the people, which is the constitutional goal of democracies whether it’s practised or not, deserves no less. Tech and state must disentangle, if the people are to have any hope of remaining technology’s masters. The alternative, if we cede control to our technological creations, is unconscionable.

  • Protecting Sensitive Financial Information From Data Brokers is a Crucial Government Responsibility

    The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is at risk of being eliminated, along with its proposals to bring data brokers under the same rules that govern credit bureaus. Relaxing financial regulations exposes consumers to risks from the buying and selling of their sensitive financial data, including fraud and blackmail by bad actors. To safeguard consumers and prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial collapse, government’s role in financial regulation is crucial.

  • A Five-Year-Old’s Challenge to Free-Speech Absolutism

    By accepting no limits to what they say, free-speech absolutists who broadcast their views with the power and global reach of technology fail to consider the effects of their words on children. Without life experience, kids are defenceless against lies and vulgarities spread far and wide by powerful or popular people. Every adult’s responsibility is to protect the children, and it’s time that children be brought into the free speech debate.

  • Image of hand holding the Earth

    Trust is Fragile: Google’s Antitrust Loss and the Global Windows Failure in July are Warnings to AI Investors About the Future Value of Trust

    The recent antitrust case lost by Google and another antitrust action now being heard, together with the global failure of Microsoft Windows from faulty code in third-party software highlight our reliance on AI. They also underscore the extent that AI’s future value, currently trading for trillions of dollars daily, depends on the trust of its human users.

  • Child in front of TV from Pixabay

    The Real and Present Dangers of Reducing Four-Dimensional Living to Two-Dimensional Screen Projections

    Much is lost in the reduction of life as we live it, in four dimensions, to a two-dimensional screen. Influence is easily projected from social media platforms onto the length and width of a screen where depth and time are easily manipulated, and the polarization of opinions is a global threat of stereotyping. We owe it to the world’s children to preserve real four-dimensional life, which will in the long run be good for corporate profits too.

  • Bloomberg OpenAI headline

    What Comes Next, After Profit-Driven OpenAI Cracks the Intelligence Code?

    With the release of GPT-4o, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced that the company is ceding applications development for its powerful technology to third parties which he expects will “create all sorts of amazing things that we all benefit from.” The first part of OpenAI’s mission statement is to create AGI “generally smarter than humans,” and we ask how the company intends to fulfill the other part of its mission, that AGI “benefits all of humanity,” when third parties control applications.

The Quantum Record is a non-profit journal of philosophy, science, technology, and time. The potential of the future is in the human mind and heart, and in the common ground that we all share on the road to tomorrow. Promoting reflection, discussion, and imagination, The Quantum Record highlights the good work of good people and aims to join many perspectives in shaping the best possible time to come. We would love to stay in touch with you, and add your voice to the dialogue.

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