Quantum Computing

The  speed and accuracy of  quantum computers now under development are bringing humanity to the brink of a technological revolution.  It remains unclear which of the many probable futures we will choose to create with the technology’s transformative potential, but as rapid  scientific advances promise to overcome technological hurdles like error correction, a quantum computing future may be closer to the present  than imagined.  By showcasing developments in the emerging technology and deciphering some of the complexities in its mathematics, geometry, physics, and computer science, The Quantum Record  aims to empower the public imagination in shaping the future we will all share in.

The Mystery of Time: Quantum Superposition and Quantum Accounting

The quantum is the smallest amount of energy in the universe that can either cause physical change or be physically changed. The vast speed and power of the quantum computer comes from the physics of quantum entanglement, in which the information bits (called “qubits”) connect in a way that signals transmit between qubits with no difference in time.  This is called “superposition”, the phenomenon in quantum physics that provides no indication of the sequential order of signals and makes the quantum computer very different from computers commonly used today.  What is the cause and what is the effect, when an exchange of signals in the quantum computer gives  no indication of the order of cause and effect?  The binary computer you are using now keeps a reliable record of the order of its signals because of the time it takes to switch between signal-on and signal-off states, but in making an account of quantum signals we will need to maintain an accurate record of cause and effect when superposition provides no measurable difference of their order in time.

In Focus

What’s on the Horizon for Error-Free Quantum Computing, Expected Within Five Years?

In the race to eliminate errors in quantum computer circuits, Quantinuum’s September announcement of plans to develop a fully fault-tolerant machine by 2029 raises the bar for competitors. With rapid progress in error reduction being made, we survey the latest in differing quantum computer designs and some of the first applications for a fully functioning machine, possibly even improving controversial large language model technology.

Discoveries in Quantum Teleportation Could Lead to Fault-Tolerant Computers and, Possibly, Wormholes

Quantum teleportation is process that transfers quantum information between locations without moving the quantum bits. A novel method could achieve teleportation without the environmental noise that causes loss of connections in today’s quantum computers, by leveraging the properties of the noise itself. This could lead to fully functional quantum computers, and as a leading scientist explains, possibly the discovery of traversable wormholes.

The Observer Effect: Why Do Our Measurements Change Quantum Outcomes?

The observer effect, which produces a different scattering pattern when a beam of light is observed compared to the unobserved beam, remains a deep mystery at the quantum level. How does the quantum somehow connect to our conscious measurements, and does it imprint our measurements in the curvature of spacetime as as Sir Roger Penrose has proposed? What’s going on in our heads may say something about quantum reality.

Latest Quantum Computing

  • The Future of Quantum Computing Accelerates, Many Qubits at a Time

    The latest in quantum technology promises unimaginable computing speed and power. We survey developments ranging from room-temperature superconductivity to microchips holding electrically charged ions, for a glimpse at how quantum computing is poised to transform everything we know.

  • Quantum computer

    Major Advances in Quantum Computing Revolution

    A quantum computer has just been used to simulate a wormhole, holding potential for future space travel. With recent advances in powerful computing capacity, and the rapid growth of the quantum computing industry, the technology promises many benefits including reduction of pollution and conflict.

  • Introduction to Quantum Accounting Theory, Part 2

    Quantum accounting records the order of the quantum computer’s signals that begin in two states simultaneously and output to two points on the spherical limit of the qubit. The first principle of quantum accounting considers the geometry of the sphere, the time order of signals from present to past and future, and the nature of the quantum as the universal medium of the account.

  • The Two Key Values in Quantum Accounting, Part 2: Where is the Elusive 0?

    In Part 2 of our series, we find that to balance the quantum account, zero must remain in the middle of the qubit sphere, but we face the problem and paradox of locating that point. We conclude the only way to pinpoint the middle is to define – simultaneously – the radius of the debit and credit.

  • Introduction to Quantum Accounting Theory, Part 1

    The theory of Quantum Accounting begins with the meaning of two words: “account” and “quantum”. We start with “account” and its dual application in the record of quantum computer functions.

  • Preparing for the Quantum Computing Revolution

    Computing technology is on the brink of a revolutionary change.  With prototypes already in operation, the quantum computer will deliver huge – possibly unlimited – increases in speed and accuracy to existing and new applications when the technology is available for widespread use.

The Quantum Record is a non-profit journal of philosophy, science, technology, and time. The potential of the future is in the human mind and heart, and in the common ground that we all share on the road to tomorrow. Promoting reflection, discussion, and imagination, The Quantum Record highlights the good work of good people and aims to join many perspectives in shaping the best possible time to come. We would love to stay in touch with you, and add your voice to the dialogue.

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